28 Nov

Risk Management and VAR | CA Final SFM

Types of Risk Faced by a Business Entity Strategic Risk Compliance Risk Operational Risk Financial Risk Strategic Risk Strategic Risk is the exposure to loss resulting from a strategy that ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Option Valuation by Various Methods | CA Final SFM

Options Valuation Option valuation refers to the amount of premium to be determined. In other words, what should be the fair amount of an option premium? Determining such fair value ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Forex Netting | Money Market Hedge | CA Final SFM

 Purchased Assets on 01.07.2011 for $ 1,00,000 Amount to be settled on 30.09.2011      ↓ There is a “$” Liability Coincidentally, the company has a receivable of $1,00,000 ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Interest Rate Options (Caps, Floors and Collars) | CA Final SFM

These are such derivative contracts where the holder of Interest Rate Options has a right but no obligation for borrowing or investing money at a pre decided interest rate. For ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Indian Financial System | CA Final SFM

A Financial System is a composition of various institutions, markets, regulations, laws, practices, money managers, analysts and transactions. The financial system performs the essential economic function of channeling funds from ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Hedging With Stock Futures | CA Final SFM

What are Stock Futures? Stock Futures are financial contracts where the underlying asset is an individual stock. Stock Future contract is an agreement to buy or sell a specified quantity ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Hedging Through Currency Options | CA Final SFM

Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk Through Currency Options  If the company that is planning to hedge the foreign exchange risk, is an importer and has to settle the payment in ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

28 Nov

Hedging Through Currency Futures | CA Final SFM

If the company that is planning a hedge the foreign exchange risk, is an importer and has to settle the payment in foreign currency, it will have the need to ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

15 Nov

Bond Valuation SFM CA Final

Bond Valuation SFM CA Final When a company has to raise long term debt, one of the modes of raising the funds is by issuing debentures. For all practical reasons, ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

22 Jun

Options Valuation | CA Final SFM

Option valuation refers to the amount of premium to be determined. In other words, what should be the fair amount of an option premium? Determining such fair value or fair ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru