10 Feb

Securitization CA Final SFM (Strategic Financial Management)

Securitization CA Final SFM Securitisation a chapter in Strategic Financial Management (SFM). This is an important chapter from the CA Exam point of view as well. The concept has been ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

10 Jan

Corporate Valuation Basics | CA Final SFM

 Need for Corporate Valuation Along with the enterprise growth, number of stakeholders also grows. Presentation of annual financial statements becomes. Curiosity of the stakeholders to understand the ‘true worth’ ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

03 Jan

Nostro, Vostro & Loro Accounts | CA Final SFM

Nostro: Nostro (translated from Italian) means “our”. It’s a way of saying, “Our money that is on deposit at your bank”. Nostro is an accounting term used to describe an ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

03 Jan

Transaction And Operating Exposures | CA Final SFM

 A firm dealing with foreign exchange may be exposed to foreign currency exposures. The exposure is the result of possession of assets and liabilities and transactions denominated in foreign ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

19 Dec

Arbitrage Pricing Theory Model (APTM) | CA Final SFM

This model believes that the risk factor is not singular i.e., to say there are multiple risk factors which must be factored for determining expected rate of return. These risk ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

17 Dec

William Sharpe’s Single Index Model | CA Final SFM

Determining Portfolio Risk Using William Sharpe’s Approach  According to William Sharpe, portfolio risk is the aggregate of systematic and unsystematic risk. For determining portfolio risk using Sharpe’s approach, first determine ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

12 Dec

Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk  Through Currency Options | CA Final SFM

 If the company that is planning to hedge the foreign exchange risk, is an importer and has to settle the payment in foreign currency, it will have the need ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

12 Dec

Immunization of Bonds | CA Final SFM

Investment in bonds cannot be considered completely risk free. Such investment can have the following two types of risk: Interest Rate Risk Reinvestment Risk
By: SFMGuru

09 Dec

Purchase Order Financing (Steps) | CA Final SFM

Receive a purchase order form your customer. Obtain a proposal from the supplier regarding the estimates. Apply for PO financing and obtain approval from POF Co. The Supplier is paid ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru

07 Dec

Security Market Line | Lambda | Capital Market Line | CA Final SFM

Risk, Return and Portfolio Theory Security Market Line (SML) When the expected rate of return as per CAPM is presented graphically it will be a straight line sloping upward. Such ...ReadMore
By: SFMGuru